Kontakty i wsparcie międzynarodowe


We guarantee you premium support for every buyer of Impeka. Trust us, we know from first hand the true meaning of the word “Support”.

We deliver verified international contacts

Effective foreign expansion for your business

We open doors to new markets

Key contacts and international consulting

Grow Global is a company specializing in connecting businesses in international environment

We help SMEs find business partners abroad.

Grow Global is a company specializing in connecting businesses in international environment.
We help SMEs find business partners abroad

How do we work?

Quickly and efficiently!


To get the best results, we start our collaboration by getting to know you - our client


Getting to know your business and its needs, we present verified contacts and specific solutions that will help your company grow across borders.


You are never alone! We are there for you whenever you would need our support.

We specialize in several markets including: Europe, Middle East&South America.

Those include, among others France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Georgia, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Jordan.

Do you need support in another market?



Extensive presence both living and traveling in different foreign countries of all of the partners translates into knowledge of cultures, foreign languages and the range of international networks. This unique combination of experience and skills allow us to reach the valuable contacts you are looking for. People and their mutual relations form business!


Satisfied customers

We work with the best interests of our clients in mind, saving your time and providing valuable and verified contacts.This will form the basis for the further work of your team and as a result bring new business contracts and develop your company in new markets. 



Our experience shows that on average you need to start dealing with that many contacts to get a new customer. The key is to work with the verified contacts and be well prepared for the next stage, because this is the way to success!

Our services

Matchmaking is the fastest way to reach valuable contacts from the market. Each contact is verified by a phone conversation, connecting you with a right partner to start business discussions.It is up to you to decide how many contacts you need.

Our experience shows that on average 1 in 3-5 contacts convert into real business. Do not hesitate reach out to us today!

We do not leave you alone in the new field! When you do not know how to start, or you have tried and it did not turn out as you expected, or you do not want to take the risk the lack of knowledge on the unknown market, you can count on us!  

We share knowledge on how to effectively lead a business process, how to communicate effectively and what mistakes to avoid. We will adapt your offer to the realities of the new market.

Prepare with us for your expansion into new markets through consultations with recognized experts. We pay special attention to the operating mechanisms in the relevant market, cultural differences and business savoir-faire. The product is intended for training the export department. 

Strategic planning for international development:

  1. Strategic planning for international development: analysis, goals, profitability and characteristics of the new market.
  2. Access to public and private financing: potential national or EU funding, access to investment funds or potential investors.
  3. Building relationships: institutional relations and access to proven suppliers.

Thanks to us, Spain, Middle East and Argentina become available.

They trusted us

Our method guarantees obtaining the most valuable contacts.
